Commercial Illustration: Mazda MX5
Project: Illustration for MAZDA MX5 Advetorial
Client : Marrie Claire Magazine
Mazda is launching their new product, Mazda MX5. The advertorial are planned
to be placed in Marie Claire magazine.
The ideas is to show the MX5 in the urban feminine environment while showing
the feature of MX5.
By combining the product photo with illustration the advertorial create a
fashionably atmosphere. The feminine and sophisticated look are achieved by
using the watercolor effect.
In this illustration the watercolor look are created by using digital technique.
Below are the tutorial for creating watercolor illustration in Photoshop.
““Era digital memberikan kemudahan dalam hal teknis
pembuatan ilustrasi dan dunia internet memberikan kesempatan
ekspos secara luas terhadap ilustrasi, para ilustrator mendapatkan kesempatan begitu besar untuk dapat dikenal secara luas.
““Para Illustrator muda merupakan generasi yang dekat dengan teknologi. Mereka memberikan pengaruh pada Ilustrasi sekarang. Kekuatan individual style, kebebasan bereksperimen dan eksplorasi teknik; penggabungan teknik digital dan tradisional menghasilkan ilustrasi-ilustrasi yang “fresh”.